Art and design

Star Art – Templates – Set A
Fun With Lines. Dotty templates to create 4 different stars. Simply draw straight lines connecting the dots on the templates and wonderful designs with appear … such fun!
♦ 4 different star templates
♦ Example stars – black lines
♦ Exampe stars - coloured
♦ Easy-to-follow instructions (with images)
The Process:
♦ Draw the lines.
♦ Colour your artwork.
♦ Cut the artwork out around the circle.
♦ Display the stars.
The Instructions:
I have provided step-by-step instructions that show you how to complete the artwork. Each step is on one page with concise, kid-friendly instructions and an image. Print them out or display via a data projector – a great way for your students to self-check and manage their own learning. (Plus it will save you from having to answer millions of “Is this right?” questions!)
The Practise Part:
At the bottom of 2 of the templates there is a section to practise ruling the lines and getting the hang of the patterns before attempting it on the actual template.
The artwork looks tricky …. but it is actually very simple!
Skill enhancement: ruling straight lines with precision.
Keywords: parabolic curves, string art, line art, geometry, math, ruler, straight lines, star, space, galaxy,
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Matariki – Colour the Stars
Celebrate the Maori New Year with this art activity – colour the koru stars.
Two different templates.
A fun colouring activity for New Zealand students during Matariki.
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Colour Identification - 4 in a row gameboard
Practise your colour identification with these 3 gameboards.
UK and USA spelling included (colour/color grey/gray)
The Game: 4-in-a-row:
♦ Instructions and gameboards included.
♦ All you need is a dice and some counters.
♦ Suitable for 2 players.
How to play:
1. Player A rolls the dice.
2. Player A reads the colour word that is located under the picture of the dice on the left side of the board.
3. Player A finds that colour on the gameboard and covers one of those squares with one of their counters.
4. Player B has their turn.
5. Players continue to take turns. The winner is the first player to get 4 of their counters in a row.
Gameboard 1:
red, yellow, blue, green, black, orange
Gameboard 2:
white, pink, brown, purple, grey, cream
Gameboard 3:
light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, light brown, dark brown

Colour Mixing
Colour Mixing – flashcards, activity sheets, game and reference chart
UK and USA spelling included (colour/color grey/gray)
Flash Cards - 3 different types:
♦ colour splodges and word equations
♦ colour splodge equations – work out the final colour
♦ colour splodge equations – work out the missing colour
Activity Sheets - 3 different types:
♦ colour the last splodge of the equation (print in colour)
♦ colour the splodges and work out the last splodge of the equation
♦ colour the splodges and work out the missing splodge
‘Four-in-a-row’ game - instructions and gameboard.
All you need is a dice and some counters.
1. Player A rolls the dice.
2. Player A reads the colour mixing equation that is located under the picture of the dice on the left side of the board.
3. Player A finds the answer to the colour mixing equation on the gameboard and covers one of those squares with one of their counters.
4. Player B has their turn.
5. Players continue to take turns. The winner is the first player to get 4 of their counters in a row.
The 6 colour mixing equations:
red + white = pink
blue + yellow = green
red + blue = purple
white + black = grey
green + red = brown
yellow + red = orange

Anzac Art
Make some great ANZAC art with this set of paper. Create an Anzac image on top of the National Anthem or the Ode of Remembrance.
♦ New Zealand National Anthem - English
♦ New Zealand National Anthem – Te Reo Māori
♦ Australian National Anthem – English
♦ The Ode of Remembrance - English
3 Different Formats:
♦ Circle with frame
♦ Plain white paper
♦ Parchment paper
Each set of paper is provided in 4 different fonts to give you and your students plenty of choice.
Coloured pencils or watercolour paints are recommended as they will allow the text to still show through.
A great thing about this set of paper is that it can be used within other studies … not just Anzac Day. For example, a unit on Kiwiana / national identity.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Valentine's Day - Secret Code Wheels - BUNDLE
This is a bundle of secret code wheels that are for Valentine’s Day.
There are 6 different types of code wheels:
* Alphabet and alphabet (ordered a-z)
* Alphabet and alphabet (jumbled)
* Alphabet and number (ordered 1-26)
* Alphabet and number (jumbled)
* Alphabet and symbol
* Blank - write the alphabet and create your own code
Each resource has 15 code wheel templates, each with Valentine’s Day pictures on the inner wheel.
5 of the resources contain a Valentine’s Day joke for your students to decipher with their wheel (the blank one doesn't contain the joke).
All of the resources contain a Valentine’s Day themed template for writing a secret code on (lined and unlined) as well as 2 card templates.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Sun and Moon Art
A fun, creative and bright art project for your students to enjoy. Select the template that best fits your students.
3 Different Templates:
♦ draw your own patterns and then add colour.
♦ draw half of the patterns and then add colour.
♦ just add colour.
Suggested Colouring:
♦ Moon side - cool colours (shades of blue, green, purple)
♦ Sun side - warm colours (shades of red, yellow, orange)
Suggested Curriculum Links:
♦ Māori myths and legends (Rona and the Moon; Maui and the Sun).
♦ Solar system / Space / Night and Day study.
♦ Maths – geometry (patterns, shapes).
Also a great activity during busy assessment periods … your students can work on this independently while you’re testing :)
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources